Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Episode 43 - Powers Spotlight

Spotlight on Powers by Brian Michael Bendis and Michael Avon Oeming. With Special Guest: Matt Page!


  1. Gentlemen. I just finished the podcast and I must add my two bits concerning Powers! As Jonas mentioned the feeling of no continuity of the trades and how they just end. I really liked how the arcs ended, it produced the emotion in Walker and Pilgrim of like "well the case is now closed, we have to do our job and move on. There is another case."

    To me, it made the characters feel like cops and not heroes. If that makes sense...if not watch the Wire.

    But I do love the podcast, keep them coming.

  2. Great observation. I have never had a problem with the endings myself and after thinking about it I agree with you completely.
