Disney buys Marvel! Disney held a conference call with investors that just finished to discuss the deal and while much of it was focused on the financial aspect of the deal – with regards to both current and future opportunities – there were a number of comments concerning publishing and Marvel’s film slate that are of interest.
With a $4 billion dollar price tag I think they got every penny's worth.
"A good way to judge this would be looking at DC and Warner Bros. As far as I can remember, Warner Bros. has never interfered too much with DC and really does let them manage their own business. But then Warner Bros. wants to be the only one making their movies and that is why we haven't seen tons of DC movies because Warner Bros. has no time limit to make films so they really drag their feet.
But at the same time the possibility of Marvel popping up in Disneyland makes me really excited. Plus if Pixar did do something with Marvel then awesome." Sean Leslie
"So I got this phone call from Joe Quesada and it was just the sound of him rubbing himself with money and now I am confused." Warren Ellis on Twitter:
We're Back! After only one day of downtime! We're playing catch up here and trying to bombard your ears with the latest and greatest of the comic industry. This week we discuss the Girls series done by the Luna Brothers. Not Motley Crue.
Read the very first issue for free at Image's web site here
Henny's & Jonas' Pick: Blackest Night: Superman #1 Starts @ 00:45 In a Warrior first, a double whammy pick of the week is Blackest Night: Superman. Both Jonas and Henny pick up on how evil infests itself in the idyllic farm country of Superman's hometown of Smallville. Just as Conner Kent/Superboy has started building his new life there as part of the Kent family, a horror unlike any he's faced before attacks in the form of Kal-L: The dead Superman of Earth 2! Also after committing the most atrocious crime of all: vandalism of the Smallville welcome sign. Destruction of public property isn't a joke people.
Creators: STORY BY: James Dale Robinson / ART BY: Eddy Barrows
Sean's Pick: Ex Machina #44 Starts @ 06:40 The pieces of the puzzle are all starting to come together for Mayor Hundred and the whole Ex Machina Series. Vaughn has stated that this series is only going to be 50 issues and as it winds down the series is really starting to get more and more amazing. Issue #44 wraps up Vaughn's penultimate story arc, with Hundred descending to New York's sewers in hopes of confronting what he assumes is a revived Pherson. The truth is far more complicated and unexpected. Pick it up if only to check out JD Mettler's amazing coloring work.
Creators: STORY BY: Brian K. Vaughn / ART BY: Tony Harris
John's Pick: Unwritten #4 Starts @ 13:35 While we amongst the warriors disagree about the quality of Peter Gross's art in the series, we all pretty much agree the story is very cool. The plot, for those who haven’t seen it about, stars Tommy Taylor. Tommy is a real guy in his 20's, but when he was a child, his father based a series of fantasy novels very much reminiscent of Harry Potter on him – the Tommy Taylor books. The books quickly eclipsed Potter, Twilight, and a great many other fandoms to become a 13 book juggernaut… but after book 13, writer Wilson Taylor mysteriously disappeared. Chaos ensues. Stabbings, Kidnappings, Sickles in the back. it's getting good, seriously...
Creators: STORY BY: Mike Carey / ART BY: Peter Gross
Am I the only one who thinks the Luna brother's hillbillies look like the teacher from Beavis and Butthead? C'mon. Pitch in your two cents.
This week we review the all new Spider-Woman upcoming series that is also being made into motion comics and is available on iTunes for only one measly dollar. Is this the new format for comics? Is this the way of comics from the future? Are we really that lazy? You'll only know if you tune in this week and check it out!
See amazing huh? Oh fine. here.
Sean's Pick: Usagi Yojimbo Vol. 23: Bridge of Tears Starts @ 00:45 With the celebration of the 25th anniversary of Usagi Yojimbo, this trade paper back has got it all. With a ton of comparisons to Akira Kurosawa film being drawn, this series is a must for anyone even remotely interested in samurai or Japanese history. Plus anthropomorphic animals! Don't be driven mad by the fact that there are lizards that can't actually talk like every other animal in it, Henny. An amazing series very worth checking out we won't even ask that you buy all 20 trades like Sean did in a week.
Creators: STORY BY: Stan Sakai / ART BY: Stan Sakai
Henny's Pick: Daredevil #500 Starts @ 09:30 Despite 16 issues ago Daredevil celebrated its double sized 100th issue, here's issue #500! YEA! In your face continuity! Despite the basic math problems involved here, this is one hell of an issue. With an additional set of back up stories by Ann Nocenti and artist David Aja and a reprint of classic Frank Miller daredevil #191, a huge pinup gallery with gorgeous work done by Brian Michael Bendis, Geofrey Darrow - 'Geof', Stefano Gaudiano, Rafael Grampá (who is @*%$!! amazing by the way), David Mack, Alex Maleev, Joe Quesada, John Romita Sr., and Patrick Zircher how can you possibly go wrong?
Creators: STORY BY: Ed Brubaker / ART BY: Michael Lark
Jonas's Pick: B.P.R.D. 1947 #2 Starts @ 13:25 Henny's pick of the week was #1 in Episode #13 Jonas follows up the series with his pick of #2. As the rest of the team hunts for their missing man, a lone agent follows his mysterious benefactor further into the dark recesses of her world. Art by Eisner Award-winning rising stars Fábio Moon and Gabriel Bá keeps us more and more anxious to see how this series progresses.
Creators: STORY BY: Mike Mignola, Joshua Dysart / ART BY: Fábio Moon & Gabriel Bá
John's Pick: Ultimate Spider-Man #001 Starts @ 17:10 Hmm... so Sean picked this just one episode ago for his pick and I didn't even realize it. I blame the fact I'm currently suffering from the swine flu or something, and have had a momentary lapse of sanity (well some moments last longer than others) but I loved the book even more do I dare say than Sean did. This is the Spider-Man title you should be following folks. Amazing Spider-Man comes out weekly, way too rich for my blood and is continually switching artists on the title this one has that damn Lafuente who's just got a clean and awesome style that I'm loving. Even though Spidey's head is a big round-ish I'll still be buying this title for a few seasons to come
Creators: STORY BY: Brian Michael Bendis / ART BY: David Lafuente
Can someone please count up the Obama covers? Can someone please tell me why chapel is mad-dogging Obama so bad? Why wouldn't he be excited about him being in office? Why am I still buying Youngblood?
A pretty awesome week for comics! We had a hard time picking just one for each of us, so we discuss a whole slew of books, some exciting industry news, Variant covers, Horny Hulk, and everything in between!
Trevor's Tirade: Bodycount TPBStarts @00:45 An all new feature to Wednesday Warriors, please welcome Trevor! Hopefully we can have Trevor out to review the worst of the worst for us. We set the guy with the lowest possible standards to find the lowest of the low, so we don't have to and now you won't either. Trevor's Tirade is the feature for you to hear all about the worst books ever made! Trevor starts us out with Bodycount! Kevin Eastman and Simon Bisley's poorly put together limited edition hardcover.
Creators: STORY BY: Kevin Eastman / ART BY: Simon Bisley
Henny's Pick: Blackest Night #2 Starts @ 13:10 Henny's loved every blackest night book he's even picked up is this one even a surprise? Even the tie-in's are mind-blowing and is a must have for everyone. If your not caught up to date with Green Lantern be sure to listen to Episode 15 to find out where to begin in this all new comic epic that is honestly taking the comic industry by storm. I mean shit it got me to read DC comics so it's gotta be good.
Creators: STORY BY: Geoff Johns / ART BY: Ivan Reis
John's Pick: Destroyer #5 Starts @ 27:00 Listen to two ass-hats who aren't John review his pick of the week. Honestly. Jerks. The series comes to a close in this all too short 5 story arc. Is anyone else a little surprised that an Image part owner (Kirkman) is writing a Marvel Max series title? Could you really do that in any other industry? Comics are so awesome and this series is a shining example of why I love comics despite the other "fanboys" that like them too.
Creators: STORY BY: Robert Kirman / ART BY: Cory Walker
Henny's Pick: Witchfinder #2 Starts @ 29:30 Another Henny shocker. Sir Edward Grey, a mysterious character occasionally appearing in “B.P.R.D.” and “Hellboy,” now has his own five-issue miniseries from Dark Horse with the first issue released last July 1, 2009. Written by Hellboy mastermind Mike Mignola with art by Ben Stenbeck, sees the Victorian occult detective fighting against otherworldly assassins and the devious machinations of the Heliopic Brotherhood of Ra.
Creators: STORY BY: Mike Mignola / ART BY: Ben Stenbeck
Sean's Pick: Ultimate Spider-Man #001 Starts @ 30:55 Jonas thinks Lafuente draws Spider-Man's head like a basketball and while we agree, it's not enough to throw us off this new reincarnation of the Ultimate Universe. If the goal of “Ultimatum” was to re-energize the Ultimate Universe, then in those stakes it was a great success. Between Bendis’ plot and Lafuente’s art, “Ultimate Comics: Spider-Man” feels fresh and contemporary. The opening sequence is light on action, but full of humor, instantly washing away the grimness that plagued the Ultimate Universe’s final year and re-establishing the tone of the book masterfully.
Creators: STORY BY: Brian Bendis / ART BY: David Lafuente
Sean's Pick: Ultimate Avengers #001 Starts @ 32:46 Sean loves the concept of "messing" the entire Marvel Universe up and “Ultimate Comics Avengers” #1 kicks things off strongly by setting up the new status-quo quickly: after being in a different universe for a while, Nick Fury is no longer in charge of S.H.I.E.L.D., the Ultimates program has taken a big hit, Tony Stark is still a drunken debaucher, Hawkeye and Captain America are pretty much all they’ve got left, and Captain America has gone rogue.
Creators: STORY BY: Mark Millar / ART BY: Carlos Pacheco
John's Pick: X-Men Forever #5 Starts @ 37:33 Holy balls! The biggest train wreck of all time is back! Why they didn't just call this Ultimate X-Men is so far beyond me. I don't think I'll ever understand. This new X-Men title picks up right where ancient X-scribe Chris Claremont left off in 1996, in an out-of-continuity story that has John laughing his ass off as well as gasping between pages. Its hard to pack this much awesome into 22 pages (Awesome also doubles for 'retarded' quite often in here) But listen in at around the 40 minute mark to the very first on-air argument between me and Henny that earned us our very first explicit tagging (ie F-bomb)!
Creators: STORY BY: Chris Claremont / ART BY: Tom Grummett
Lonely inquires please respond to: WednesdayWarriors@Gmail.com Attn:Henny!
Another surprise guest appearance (much near the end) of a second of our dear friends to grace the podcast is here. I won't say who, but hopefully he can make some more regular appearances
Download it now and listen in as we chat about the awesome new series from Boom comics Irredeemable! Oh and you're gonna need this...
Jonas' Pick: Walking Dead #64 DO NOT CLICK THE LINK above unless you really want that spoiler series action. The series really picks up steam as the survivors enter the 'fear the hunters' storyline. The Kirkman magic has Jonas yelling out loud as he reads it and upsetting the whole damn house. We really can't say too much more, other than if you're not already reading this, get the hell up out your seat right now and go buy a copy today.
Creators: STORY BY: Robert Kirkman / ART BY: Charlie Adlard, Cliff Rathburn
Sean's Pick: Invincible Iron Man #16 Is Matt Fraction writing the next Iron Man movie script in comic form? The all new story arc feels that way. The always maniacal Norman Osbourn is after the list of all the 'Super Hero secret identities list' from 'Civil War' and Tony Stark is the only man able to play keep away long enough for he and Pepper Potts to get captured by Madame Masque. He even gave Pepper a female iron man suit! Good crap what's it gonna take for these two to catch a break? An Eisner winner for best new series is well worth a wallet raping.
Creators: STORY BY: Matt Fraction / ART BY: Salvador Larroca
Henny's Pick: Red Robin #1 Flashbacks, Nightwing, Damian, Bruce Wayne, one more addition to the family won't hurt. Sean equates this first issue to the beginning of 'Apocalypse Now,' busting up hotel rooms and throwing bottles through mirrors. Even though the series is up to issue #3 now, we're catching up with the all new incarnation of the Bruce Wayne butchered family tree, to check in and see just how awesome and like-able Tim Drake is as he toughs it up all over eastern Europe.
Creators: STORY BY: Christopher Yost / ART BY: Ramon Bachs
John's Pick: Punisher Max Vol. #1: In the Beginning This Punisher is THE Punisher. This is much how John has always imagined him, just a hulking brute of scars and swear words, with showers of bullet casings spraying everywhere. This is the Punisher that has been there all along, but not until the Max line came out could they tell. A brutal and remorseless Frank Castle deals with ghosts from the past and makes a ton of new ones in the first trade paperback of the series. Micro's back and he wants Frank to get in line. I think we can guess the rest from there, but watching the train wreck is impossible to take your eyes off of.
Creators: STORY BY: Garth Ennis / ART BY: Lewis Larosa
Wednesday Warriors is glad to welcome our first ever guest to the show this episode! Bryton joins the warriors this week to chat about the Green Lantern and offer his clearly wrong opinions about everything comics.
After having watched Green Lantern's First Flight with a dude posse, the podcast gets into the discussion about Green Lantern. Everything from Rebirth to Blackest Night, we try to cover the gamut of the Geoff John's carefully crafted universe of the Green Lantern.
Download the podcast now and enjoy! Now for the picks of the week!
Sean's Pick: The Nobody If you liked Blankets, or any other of Craig Thompson's work, then check out The Nobody. From the same writer and artist as Essex County, Jeff Lemire. A modern take on the invisible man's story. He also has a new series from Vertigo coming out that is advertised in nearly all of vertigo's titles coming out this week with an 8 page preview called Sweet Tooth. The story about a young man journeying through the devastation in a post apocalyptic world with antlers?
Creators: Jeff Lemire
Sean also thinks Spider Man #601 is the hottest cover ever printed and J. Scott Campbell's Mary Jane Watson's forlorn face is just too rawr for words. I say its just because of the of Mr. Campbell's amazing ability to draw bewbs.
Henny's Pick: Uncanny X Men #512 Henny has been pretty critical of Matt Fraction's work on the X-Men up to this date, but has finally deemed an X-Men book worthy of puttin' on your hold list once again! I for one couldn't be happier about it. Follow Beast and a band of misfit scientists on a scientific exploration journey back to the year 1906 into the bustling San Francisco Bay area to gather a blood sample from each of the parents of the very first mutant! Make Mine Marvel! I picked up the title as well and have to say it was pretty worthwhile.
Creators: STORY BY: Matt Fraction / ART BY: Yanick Paquette, Karl Story
Bryton's Pick: Scott Pilgrim Scott Pilgrim is a 23-year-old slacker who lives with his gay room mate (a non-sexual sugar daddy) and is dating 17 year old girlfriend named Knives. He's trying to clean up his act to land a girl named Ramona. A delivery girl for amazon.ca who cruises around on rollerblades. She's dated a series of evil guys in the past though and in order to date her he has to defeat her 7 evil boyfriends! Its a very gaming-centric comic.
The Scott Pilgrim series has been optioned by Universal. They plan to make a movie version called Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World. It will be live-action (not animated). Edgar Wright will direct. He and Michael Bacall are writing it, based on the entire series. Michael Cera and Mary Elizabeth Winstead will star. The first day of principle photography is March 30th, 2009. (imdb)
Creators: Brian Lee O'Malley
Jonas' Pick: Powers In Powers, Superpowers are pretty common and it follows the story of two detectives, Christian Walker and Deena Pilgrim, police officers who are devoted to cases that involve people with super powers. In the first trade paper back, the two detectives are set out to solve a mystery of who killed the towns most beloved of all superheroes. Its a pretty awesome cross between a crime and a superhero novel taking the best (and worst) from both genre's and mixing them up into one amazingly executed series.
Creators: STORY BY: Brian Michael Bendis / ART BY: Michael Avon Oeming
John's Pick: Cursed Pirate Girl #2 Although it may not technically be out this week or even available at most shops, (#2 was on sale at Comic-Con) John cannot recommend this book strongly enough. Jeremy Bastian's technical style is masterful. He doesn't remember ever seeing anything as amazingly detailed and incredibly well thought out visual storytelling in any other medium. Follow Cursed Pirate Girl as she travels to the bottom of the ocean with a parrot to gain entry to the Omerta Seas where her father an unknown pirate capitan is defiling the seas.
In this episode we finish the Pros and touch on the very few Cons we had with Comic-Con this year. Some of the highlights include the following:
Find out in this episode and help us find out why Jim Steranko is the biggest badasses in the whole industry. Sean Leslie retells one of the best encounters with Mr. Steranko that could have ever possibly be had at Comic-Con! Anyone know why he hates Marvel so bad? Email us or comment below if you have any in's on that one, we're dying to know.
Art Adams continues to reign as John's favorite creator of all time! After being too afraid to get a few books signed for the entire Con, John finally approached him near the end of the Con and asked him about his very first work, his introduction to comics, and some of his earliest childhood memories related to comics.
Sean shows Jeph Loeb, the scribe of 'Teen Wolf', and his daughter Audrey Loeb his toes tattooed toes with the words Teen Wolf. I think they were both wowed Mr. Loeb who is clearly impressed despite whatever Sean says. He asked: "Really? That's a tattoo?". Pretty defining moment in my opinion.
All this and more in episode 14! Sound off on your opinion about Comic-Con. Email us or comment below.
In Episode 13 we discuss the awesomeness and rockdacity that was San Diego Comic-Con! Henny discusses the ins and outs of getting a job in Comics.
Listen in and don't make the same noob mistakes as Sean!
We also talk about the things we enjoyed most at Comic-Con. Be sure to watch the picture feed as the episode rolls along, as its not one to be missed!
Jonas' Pick: Blackest Night: Tales of the Corps #1 So still at a loss as to the who, whats, & whens of Blackest Night? There are three stories featured here that aren't vital to the Blackest Night tale, but these Tales of the Corps features the origin stories for the Saint Walker of the blue lantern, The Indigo tribe, and Mongul. Well worth checking out and delving even deeper into the Lantern Universe.
Creators: Writer: Geoff Johns, Peter J. Tomasi / Art by: Jerry Ordway, Chris Samnee, Rags Morales
Henny's Pick: B.P.R.D.: 1947 #1 Henny had a whole ton of stuff to choose from Green Lantern #44, Invincible #64, Irredeemable #4 and he narrows it down to BPRD 1947 #1. Henny loves the Hellboy spinoff and the atmosphere that they have done an amazing job creating. It;s also a more regular title than Hellboy.
Creators: Mike Mignola, Joshua Dysart / Art by: Gabriel Ba, Fabio Moon
John's Pick: Dark Wolverine #76 Despite what everyone else is saying and despite how I know were supposed to hate Daken, I like it. I think Daken is a bastard (not because he really is) but he's a bastard I'm starting to like. Don't let anyone else talk crap on this title before you read it and then talk all the smack you like. I'm just saying give it a go, it won each of the warriors over even though we had all dropped or attempted to drop it from our holds.
Creators: Daniel Way, Marjorie Liu / Art by: Giuseppe Camuncoli, Onofrio Catacchio
Sean's Pick: Chew #1 "Chew" #1 will be reprinted (in black-and-white) in this week's "The Walking Dead" #63 at no extra cost and it may be the only way your gonna get your hands on this title as its become pretty hard to find. Chew is a detective who's sense of taste may lead him to some pretty foul tasting stuff. He can sense whatever he's eating's feelings and it tastes him to some pretty interesting results.
Wednesday Warriors were featured on the local news station KJZZ channel 14 here in Salt Lake with interviews conducted by us and filmed by our boy Trevor. The segment was edited down to 1 1/2 minutes from its original 5, but we're still glad it made the air! We'll be posting the full segment here in the next little bit.
We'll also be posting our full review of Comic-Con in the next day or two, it's a full two episodes of Con goodness, so be sure to check back in or subscribe to our iTunes feed here! to download it as soon as it's up!
You can check our photos from Comic-Con here and the sketches we got from some of the artists here
Wednesday Warriors is for everyone who is counting down the days every week until it is Wednesday and the new weekly comic books hit the stands. With discussions about what is going on in the industry, reviews of current and older comics and a wide variety of opinions from well-read fans. The Warriors are: Sean Leslie, Sean Hennefer, Jonas Wilkinson, Bryton Sampson, and John Powell.